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Macro photo of tooth wheels with COMPLIANCE, REGULATIONS, STANDARDS, POLICIES and RULES wo

Teena Hagerman Assisted Living Consultant
Welcomes You

Who is Teena Hagerman

Assisted Care Consultant & Educator

Teena Hagerman has been in the assisted care industry for 40 years.  She has owned communities in three states and has educated thousands of assisted care professionals.  A respected industry powerhouse when it comes to compliance issues and education. Teena felt a need for a more down to earth honest approach to consulting. Many consultants do the white glove test by only touching the surface of facility issues, while Teena seeks out the dusty corners. This form of consulting creates a 360 degree of protection for her clients and slams shut the door to liability.  Having fresh eyes on your operation from an outside source is the only way to have an objective point of view.  Staff education from a consultant that has worked on the floor allows for a respected bond. She has worked side by side with your staff members and isn't afraid to put on gloves. This is who you want training your staff.  Together we will collaborate and come up with a plan that is designed specifically for your needs and budget. Inspiring the Assisted Care World to be better than they were yesterday, is what Teena Hagerman does best! Like a hound dog in compliance if its there she will find it! 

Teena's ability to get all stakeholders to buy in is unmatched to anyone one I have ever seen!  Adam W

Adam W - Administrator & Licensee

One of the best Instructors I have ever seen and I have seen many! Natural born entertainer, she can hold their attention!

Mickey G - CEO Senior Community Learning

“Teena is an original in a sea of photo copies”

Lisa Poole Johnson, Executive Director

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"We hired Teena do a comprehensive Inspection in our 100 bed community she found many regulatory issues that we walked by daily and licensing didn't catch! She is the real deal!"

Mark S - Executive Director

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